Lesson 1 on communication and a little bit of history of our Heavenly Father and Satan, and somewhat what that means. We will get deeper into the subject in the next few lessons.

For October 20, 2020 Raynette K. Weiss ministries second day on our communication series and what our Heavenly Father says. First we will go into ancient history on something and…

Continue ReadingLesson 1 on communication and a little bit of history of our Heavenly Father and Satan, and somewhat what that means. We will get deeper into the subject in the next few lessons.

Preview of a special series we are doing to help everyone in the world with communication and how to stop bad things from happening as far as the lord is concerned.

Raynette K. Weiss ministries invites you for a week or two of special messages and what it means in the bible to you, with examples of what we mean by…

Continue ReadingPreview of a special series we are doing to help everyone in the world with communication and how to stop bad things from happening as far as the lord is concerned.

Raynette K. Weiss Ministries would like to welcome you to our online worship service for Sunday October 18, 2020

Opening Hymn: Make us one by Jesus CultureOne with the fatherOne with the spiritOne with the son of GodOne with our sisterOne with our brotherOne family by the bloodMake us…

Continue ReadingRaynette K. Weiss Ministries would like to welcome you to our online worship service for Sunday October 18, 2020