Bible Verse, story and prayer for 6-26-20
King James Version 1611 Matthew 13-23But he that receiued seed into the good ground, is hee that heareth the word, and vnderstandeth it, which also beareth fruit, and bringeth foorth,…
King James Version 1611 Matthew 13-23But he that receiued seed into the good ground, is hee that heareth the word, and vnderstandeth it, which also beareth fruit, and bringeth foorth,…
Revelation 1:5 King James version 1611 And from Iesus Christ, who is the faithful witnesse, and the first begotten of the dead, and the Prince of the kings of the…
Raynette K. Weiss has been a minister in the U.S. for 36 years. She is a unique minister, because she knows how to cross from the private sector to the…
1 Samuel 15:17 King James version 1611And Samuel said, When thou wast litle in thine owne sight, wast thou not made the Head of the tribes of Israel, and the…
Isaiah 8:17 King James original version 1611: And I wil wait vpon the Lord that hideth his face from the house of Iacob, and I will looke for him.Isaiah 8:17…
1 Timothy 6:18 King James original version 1611 That they doe good, that they be rich in good works, ready to distribute, willing to communicate,1 Timothy 6:18 NKJV That they…