Tribute to the fallen service men & women and their families. Monday May 31, 2021, is Memorial day for the United States.

Raynette K. Weiss Ministries would like to invite you to this special memory day to remember those people in the service who died for our country and give praise to…

Continue ReadingTribute to the fallen service men & women and their families. Monday May 31, 2021, is Memorial day for the United States.

Raynette K. Weiss Ministries would like to invite you to this online service for your spiritual growth and for your joy and peace from your Lord.

This service has a tribute for Memorial Day at the bottom. Opening Hymn chapters 7 to 12; We’re marching to Zion;Come, we that love the Lord,and let our joys be…

Continue ReadingRaynette K. Weiss Ministries would like to invite you to this online service for your spiritual growth and for your joy and peace from your Lord.