Lesson for Saturday February 6, 2021. General tips that you might want to know for wanting to be a better christian.

Remember that there is a war between Satan and the Heavenly Father.Remember, Jesus had said while on the cross, that Father forgive them for they know not what they do.…

Continue ReadingLesson for Saturday February 6, 2021. General tips that you might want to know for wanting to be a better christian.

10 Ways to Lift Your Spirits When You’re Having a Tough Week. By Corina Semph. Lesson For Friday February 5, 2021

“True happiness is born of letting go of what is unnecessary.” ~Sharon SalzbergYou are exhausted. Every force in the universe seems to be conspiring against you.You pick yourself up just…

Continue Reading10 Ways to Lift Your Spirits When You’re Having a Tough Week. By Corina Semph. Lesson For Friday February 5, 2021