Raynette K. Weiss Ministries presents this service on Hebrews Chapters 1 to 6. For your spiritual growth, and joy and peace. Sunday April 11, 2021

Opening Hymn; O Christ our hope, our hearts desire by Truro cathedral choir.
Sing, ye faithful, sing with gladness,
Wake your noblest, sweetest strain,
With the praises of your Saviour
Let his house resound again;
Him let all your music honour,
And your songs exalt his reign.
Sing how he came forth from heaven,
Bowed himself to Bethlehem’s cave,
Stooped to wear the servant’s vesture,
Bore the pain, the cross, the grave,
Passed within the gates of darkness,
Thence his banished ones to save.
So, he tasted death for all men,
He, of all mankind the head,
Sinless one, among the sinful,
Prince of life, among the dead;
Thus he wrought the full redemption,
And the captor captive led.
Now on high, yet ever with us,
From his Father’s throne the Son
Rules and guides the world he ransomed,
Till the appointed work be done,
Till he see, renewed and perfect,
All things gathered into one.
Alleluya to the Father,
Alleluya to the Son,
Alleluya to the Spirit,
Ever three and ever one,
One in love and one in glory,
While unending ages run.

Opening prayer; Heavenly Father we pray that the words on this page are pleasing to your sight. That the readers understand this sermon about The first six chapters of Hebrews. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Sermon for Sunday April 11th
How Jesus will be a son to God, and God a father to him. Jesus will work side by side with him. Jesus also took the sins away from us, and has control of the whole world because of that. Jesus is the image of God. Jesus is worshipped by all angels and all people of the world. Despite the sinful nature of humankind God, Jesus, and the angels loved no matter what. As long as you repent your sins, and trust and believe, you will be given salvation. If you submit your life to God, you will be protected from Satan and his behaviors. Establishes the greatness of Jesus as compared to Moses. It says that Moses was a follower of God. He built God’s house just as he was commanded to do. He saw what God said about the future.
However, God is the builder of all things, and Jesus was found to be greater than Moses and worthy of more honor. He lives in the house of God as the Son. God’s people are what make up the house of Jesus, which is built up in faith and confidence in Christ. Paul spoke about the Word of God in Hebrews Chapter 4, calling it sharp like a double-edged sword. He said that it is active and nothing is hidden from it. … He explained that Jesus is the son of God, yet he is able to empathize with everyone’s weakness and human nature because He became a man himself. Jesus’ Suffering Made Complete During that time that Jesus was still on earth, He offered prayers to God, knowing that the Lord could have stopped His death and suffering. However, He remained obedient until the day He was made perfect. This is why He is now the source for eternal salvation. Paul continued his discussion about the Hebrews still being like infants in Christ. He said that they needed solid food as they began to mature in Christ. He urged them to move forward from elementary teachings about Christ to more mature matters. In other words he is trying to encourage them to become a child of God.

Announcements; Please stay tuned for any changes between April and May and up to June. Please pray for one another. Please contact us with the contact information below if you need prayer for yourselves or someone else.

Closing Hymn: In Heavenly Love Abiding by Anna L. Waring
In heav’nly love abiding,No change my heart shall fear;And safe is such confiding,For nothing changes here.The storm may roar without me,My heart may low be laid,But God is round about me,And can I be dismayed?
Wherever He may guide me,No want shall turn me back;My Shepherd is beside me,And nothing can I lack.His wisdom ever waketh,His sight is never dim;He knows the way He taketh,And I will walk with Him.
Green pastures are before me,Which yet I have not seen;Bright skies will soon be o’er me,Where darkest clouds have been.My hope I cannot measure,My path to life is free;My Savior has my treasure,And He will walk with me.

Closing prayer; Heavenly Father, we pray that we may mature in the faith and walk in the light, as He is in the light. Help us to move on from dabbling in the elementary teachings of Christianity.. and we pray that we may grow into a deeper awareness of all that You would teach us. Help us to grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus. Keep us walking in spirit and truth and enable us to learn patient endurance, so that we may become perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. Help us to increasingly abide in Christ and He in us, to Your greater praise and glory – in Jesus name we pray, AMEN.

Benediction; Go in peace and tell all your neighbors and loved ones about what you learned in today’s message. Have a very blessed and peaceful week.

For those who wish to become a child of our heavenly Lord, or strengthen thier faith, please pray the following prayer below.

Dear Heavenly Father, I want to be a part of your family. You said in Your Word that if I acknowledge that You raised Jesus from the dead, and that I accept Him as my Lord and Savior, I would be saved. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for forgiving me, saving me, and giving me eternal life with You. Amen!” 
By saying this prayer, we believe you are born again.

Contact Information:
You can reach us through email: raynettekweissministries@yahoo.com.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/raynettekweis