Opening Hymn: I want to worship the lord;
I want to worship the Lord
With all my heart,
Give Him my all, and not just a part.
I wan to lift up my hands
To the King of Kings,
And praise Him in everything.
We talked about reincarnation and what it meant. It means a new version of something from the past, or when a soul returns to the earth in a new form in a new body. Note; Our lord and savior feels once everyone gets the idea that the whole earth is this they will be better off and get closer to him and things would calm down; and they would be better off during the end times. Now we will go into the 9 characteristics of someone that is reincarnated. Just a reminder, we all were something else, and passed on from that and became a human.People that leave the earth before thier time because they had an unfortunate accident or was murdered, they have unfinished business on earth. Therefore they are sent back in another body to finish up thier unfinished business so they can rest. These people can also talk the way they used to talk during thier past lives. An easy way to detect a reincarnated soul is similar gestures such as body language, laugh, physical expressions, etc. An example of Mannerism would be someone that acts like someone you know could turn out to be them in that new body.
A giveaway of a reincarnated soul is being born with a unique physical feature that only the person who passed on possessed, such as a birthmark or mole.
The eyes have long been said to be the window to the soul. This is because the eyes are not just the organs of sight, they are also windows into our emotions, thoughts, and desires. By looking into someone’s eyes, we can gain a glimpse of their inner world. It was said by Jesus Himself in the parable of the Good Samaritan. In Luke 10:31, Jesus said, “And by a coincidence a certain priest was going down in that way, and having seen him, he passed over on the opposite side. What occurs together by God’s providential arrangement of circumstance.
A big clue that your loved one has come back is that other people around you also feel the warmth, comfort, and recollection of a soul they’ve known before. People that reincarnate and both sides have passed on. When they come back they might find each other and reconnect as souls, or might find someone that is their mirror soul and reconnect that way. Perhaps the greatest indication that you’ve reunited with your loved one is that the painful gap has finally closed. Instead of lingering emptiness, you feel a profound sense of fulfillment that mends all wounds. This satisfying sentiment means the soul has rejoined your life.
This concludes our miniseries on reincarnation, we hope you have enjoyed it and have learned a lot and become more comfortable with our lord and savior, and about life and death. That was the purpose of doing this miniseries.
Closing Hymn; Reincarnation song by Toad the wet sprocket;
I thought I’d be alright today
Thought I’d be alive to
Give me your eyes, I’ll show you things
You never dreamed you thought you’d see
I find myself in light I’d seen
In sleep sometimes or mescaline
And like the sun, you can’t stare into
Very long without it blinding you
I thought this light would comfort me
I thought it would be easy
There’s a tugging at my sleeve
And so much baggage I brought with me to leave
Something so big I can’t understand
From trying to I would go mad
So I hurry back to little earth
For another life, another birth
Another life, another birth
Closing Prayer; Heavenly Father we thank you for trying to ease the earth to get comfortable with you, and hopefully people will not get scared and come to you, and will move closer to you. We pray that everyone gets the concept of the lessons of reincarnation at the end of the week and get this sermon and enjoy it and all the fear will leave them. In the name of Our lord and savior we pray.
Prayer of Salvation: Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior.Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and I know you will answer my prayers. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Phone: 202-603-1821.