Raynette K. Weiss Ministries run by Our Lord and on earth by Rev. Raynette K. Weiss and Assistant Minister Jessie K. Weiss invite you to What is October 30th biblically. Monday October 30, 2023.

The Festival of Lights commemorates the triumph of the Good over the Evil and Light over Darkness. This is a holiday to help distinguish the light and the dark. Not many people consider it that important but it is. It is where the of the spirit within protects from anything that is spiritually dark. The newest reason behind it is because you have to understand the light, and the darkness. The light is of course Our Heavenly Father and what we experience as christians when he comes back. The darkness is the adversary and all the mess he has. Some people feel that it is just as important as christmas, some people do not. There are different interpretations of the festival of lights, but this is what we learn as christians. This is where people get confused at times to regular Christianity. It is also used as a way to get the dark to come to the light, and it gives them a chance to. It is a very happy occasion.This Christian festival commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple of Jerusalem, referring to him as the light of the people of Israel. On this day, Christians take candles to be blessed in church, while for those with a sweet tooth, this day is also a chance to eat pancakes.

1 John 4:15  If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God.

Psalm 94:19 however great the anxiety of my heart, your consolations soothe me.

Psalm 106:17 The earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, closed in on Abiram’s faction;

Closing Prayer; Breathe into us, Holy Spirit, that our thoughts may all be holy.

Move in us, Holy Spirit, that our work, too, may be holy.

Attract our heart, Holy Spirit, that we may love only what is holy.

Strengthen us, Holy Spirit, that we may defend all that is holy.

Protect us, Holy Spirit, that I may always be holy. In Jesus name, Amen.

Prayer of Salvation to become a child of Our Heavenly Father. Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and I know you will answer my prayers. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


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Phone: 202-603-1821.