Raynette K Weiss Ministries run by Our lord and on earth by Rev. Raynette K. Weiss and Jessie K. Weiss Assistant Minister as the lord’s vessels. Vessels are Our Heavenly Father’s servants. Sunday service January 5, 2025.

Opening Hymn: Heaven by BeBe and CeCe Winans:

Now that it’s over

There’s no more use for guns and war

Cost me a lifetime

Just to gain this life’s reward

They say streets of gold

Can you imagine somewhere

Where life will never end

No one ever grows old

Oh, my brother please

Come with me

It’s what I live for

A place where love will never cease

Willing to die for

Heaven is where I want to be

There are instructions

We must follow to a tee

In order to reach there

And there is where I’ve got to be

They say streets of gold

(Can you imagine?)

Can you imagine somewhere

Where life will never end?

No one ever grows old

Oh, my brother please come with me

It’s what I live for

A place where love will never cease

Willing to die for

Heaven is where I want to be

It’s what I live for

A place where love will never cease

Willing to die for

Heaven is where I want to be

No more nights

There is a place

Where there’ll be no more crying

And He is the light

Counting the days

When we meet in that place

(Willing to die for)

Think heaven

(Willing-, willing to die for)

It’s what I (It’s what I live for)

What I live, what I live, oh, every day of my life

Willing to die for

(Said Heaven is where, Heaven is where I wanna be at someday)

It’s what I live for

Don’t you wanna go? (Yes, I wanna go)

(Do you wanna go?) (I wanna go)

Willing to die for, oh

It’s what I live for

(Say Heaven, say Heaven, say Heaven)

Willing to die for

(Oh, where I can lay my life down and die for)

It’s what I live for

(I believe in Heaven, no more crying)

Willing to die for (that’s what they told me)

(And I believe)

It’s what I live for

(Oh, yeah)

Willing to die for

(Willing to die


At this time you should remember your lord and savior. You should have a family bible study for that day.  Thanking him for what he did all year long.  Also explain to your children how important it is to learn the Bible if you have family members that are children. Make a game for children, like paste a few bible verses and put them in things and make a game out of it and it helps the children to learn the Bible because they are having fun. They should have their own faith with their heavenly father, and they can do whatever he wants them to do. 

Biblical significance of New Year’s Eve includes:

  • A new creation
    2 Corinthians 5:17 says that followers of Jesus are a new creation, and that the old has passed away. New Year’s Eve can be a time to embrace the new and let go of the past.
    A time to remember the Messiah
    The Messiah’s sacrifice offers forgiveness and cleansing, and a new start is open to us. 
    The New Eve (Latin: Nova Eva) is 
    a devotional title for Mary, the mother of Jesus. Since the second century, numerous Eastern and Western Church fathers have expressed this doctrinal idea as an analogy to the biblical concept of the New AdamNot many people realize that New Year is a Christian Festival. 1st Jan marks the Day that Jesus was presented in the Temple, formally received the name “Jesus,” and was circumcised. Time is divided between BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini; the year of the Lord.)

Why does the new year begin on January 1? The Roman republican calendar and the Julian calendar both recognized January 1 as the beginning of the New Year. The date was chosen partly in honor of Janus, the Roman god of beginnings and the month’s namesake.

Our Heavenly Father is not pleased with people that fool around with his Ministries, or his word, or his people. He does not like this. We suggest that anyone that is fooling around in this way please stop these actions or anything else that would be against Our Heavenly Father. Unless it is a minister or a servant of his he does not appreciate correcting anyone that is about his people, except for himself, he chastens his own people. To give God glory means to honor, praise, and worship God with the highest regard: 

  • Acknowledge God’s greatness: Recognize God’s splendor and extol His attributes, such as His holiness, mercy, grace, love, and power 
  • Praise God’s works: Give thanks and praise to God for His works 
  • Obey God’s Word: Follow God’s Word and direct your worship to Him 
  • Tell others about salvation: Share the singular nature of the salvation that only God offers 
  • Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Closing Prayer Lord, protect me from spiritual wrath. Do not let my feelings of frustration or irritation or impatience with others prevent me from dealing with them in love.

Lord Jesus take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and I know you will answer my prayers. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


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