Raynette K. Weiss Ministries run by Rev. Raynette K. Weiss and Assistant Minister    Jessie K. Weiss invite you to this special series on how this world became a mess and how your Heavenly Father would like us to live. Monday, April 17, 2023.

Our Mission statement;

Wish to help spread God’s word and bring individuals to their salvation. We will accommodate everyone and always and be courteous; will only give bible verses and true interpretations and special series of different subjects to do with the bible only. We we started back in May 27, 2020. We are now all around the world trying to reach everyone and be helpful. We do special corners in our lessons at times for seniors and people with disabilities as well as everyone else. We will be adding new features as we go. We want Our Heavenly Father to reach as many people as possible through us. We promise to give any new information that bible scholars have handed out to all other ministries. Anyone that needs prayer and wishes to talk we are here for you. Sunday sermons are online every Saturday night to Sunday, and remain online, you just need to scroll down and see the subject you are interested in. Will listen to our congregation and any ideas that they may have for this website ministry. Social Media will be utilized as much as possible.
Will strive to let our congregation know what is of God and what is sin, and how to handle it. Teach as much as possible about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Any profanity or negative behavior will not be tolerated on our site. This is a christian website.

our Heavenly Father who is our creator. He never meant for this world to be anything but a playground for his children and everyone was his children at one time; until Adam and Eve sinned. Now we have to deal with the adversary. Jesus had always said that if you become a child of your Heavenly Father and get born again you are protected for eternal life as long as you do not do sins that you cannot get out of. Now we will talk about how the adversary came to be. There was a fight that started up in Heaven and an angel named Lucifer talked some of the other angels to come with him, because he wanted to overthrow our Heavenly Father. When he could not do that, he left and took these angels with him. This is where hell came to be for them to have some place to go and be locked in for a long time to teach them a lesson. This fight is between Lucifer and him, not us, his children and anyone else on earth are caught in this fight. So Lucifer sends what he thinks is his love to the weak and makes them turn against Our Heavenly Father. So then after a lot of years Our Heavenly Father sent his son Jesus to save us from our sins. You know about Holy week and that is what Holy week is all about. 

Now, how Our Heavenly Father wants us to live in this horrible world until he comes again. By the way he is coming quick, all signs are pointing this way. The first thing he wants you to do is put him first. The second thing he wants you to do is pray to him. Eventually you will get a high enough stregnth that he will talk back to you in different ways. He has different ways of doing that, he treats everyone as an individual. For instance, if you get stuck at work and do not what to do about something, pray and ask your Heavenly Father what to do and he will answer you if you are a child of his. He wants you to be happy and joyful and at peace. We have gone over this subject before but to walk with Jesus you need this. Pray with the lord in the morning and at night, and at work during the day. Let him lead and guide you. For instance if there is something dangerous to the right, he will tell you to go to the left. If you give him all your problems he will handle them if you let him. It is very important to walk with your Heavenly Father and trust him. If you cannot get to a doctor, he is the best doctor, ask him how to handle something and he will tell you. He is not saying do not go to work, but to put him first. Give him all your problems and he will deal with them. Sometimes that is easier said then done, but that is the way to walk with Our Heavenly Father. Also praise your Heavenly Father a lot during the weak and on the weekends. He can also be your best friend if you let him. The Holy Spirit lives within you, you can get to him anytime, just ask and he will be there.

Isaiah 66:2Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being? declares the Lord. These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.

2 Corinthians 6:18 (NIV)

And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” In this child of God scripture verse, God renews His promise to us that He will always see us as His children. As His children, we are given the gifts of His limitless mercy, grace and love.

Job 6:23 or, ‘Deliver me from the adversary’s hand?’ or, ‘Redeem me from the hand of the oppressors?’

Matthew 1:21 that “he (Jesus) will save his people from their sins”. This was the prophecy spoken to Joseph by an angel, telling him that this baby that Mary was having would bring salvation to mankind.

2 Chronicles 7:17-18 “As for you, if you faithfully follow me as David your father did, obeying all my commands, decrees, and regulations, then I will establish the throne of your dynasty. For I made this covenant with your father, David, when I said, ‘One of your descendants will always rule over Israel.”

Matthew 6:33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Psalm 68:5-6 – “Sing to God, praise his name; exalt the rider of the clouds. 

Closing Prayer; Heavenly Father help us to follow you and remember that you are our creator, and to always put you first in our lives. We pray that all who read this lesson learn from this. That Jesus and the Holy Spirit help them understand if they do not. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Prayer of Salvation: Which is how you ask to become a child of Our Heavenly Father. Lord Jesus, I confess my sins and ask for your forgiveness. Please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord for saving me and I know you will answer my prayers. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Contact Information:

You can reach us through email: raynettekweissministries@yahoo.com.

Facebook: www.facebook.com/raynettekweissministries

Phone: 202-603-1821